The Amazing Cirque du Bout du Monde

Today’s ride was all about this view from the Cirque du Bout du Monde (Circus at the End of the World) …

I know, pretty darn spectacular.

I arrived here via my Plan B, due to a steady drizzle, and it just might have turned out better than my original plan. My Plan A was to ride the Voie des Vignes (Path of Wine) south to Santenay (similar to my Day 1 ride, here’s the link).

And then … rain. A steady drizzle. I didn’t want to get caught up on the ridge/cliffs in the drizzle, especially if the drizzle became a drizzlier drizzle, so a few Ks before Santenay I turned around and headed back toward Beaune. What the hell, maybe it will stop drizzling, and, if so, I can always figure out somewhere else to ride.

While the rain never stopped the drizzle got a little less drizzlier (I seem obsessed with the word drizzle). “Hmmm,” I wondered. “Maybe, instead of going back to Santenay and then Nolay, like I did on Day 1, I can cut up (west) and get to the top of the ridge/cliffs from Meursault (which was a K away on the Voie des Vignes).”

And that’s what I did.

I had no idea if this route to the top would be harder than the way up from Nolay, but I was prepared for any and all hills, no matter how steep. And …

It was a tough but reasonable climb, perhaps a little easier than the route up from Nolay. Then again, maybe I’m in 50-percent better shape than I was a few days ago. C’est possible. On the way up, I went through the little stone village of St-Romain, which just might be my favorite little Burgundy village (so far). Here’s a photo from the village …

And here’s a photo from the village of the cliffs up above I was headed for …

After a few more Ks I was at the top and the views were panoramic and spectacular. You could walk right up the edge of the cliffs, which, I admit was a bit scary. Especially with my bike shoes and cleats. There was no way I was going to get too close to the edge and trip, slip, skid, skate or stumble. Or even drizzle.

While I must have seen 100-plus riders on the Voie des Vignes today, despite the drizzle, I was the only one at the top of the ridge/cliffs (which is called the Cirque du Bout du Monde) and the only cyclist I saw on the way up or down. This is always my goal on these trips … to get away from the more popular routes (which, I admit, are popular for a reason) and find something a little different. This usually involves climbing, but, as you can see, this climb (and almost every climb here in France ) pays off with the view.

2 thoughts on “The Amazing Cirque du Bout du Monde

  1. Are you aware there is a Columbus woman, Barb Waters, riding cross country from California to Massachusetts. Shes ridden with the Westerville Club and is with an organized group but still interesting to follow. Barb Cycles USA 4 Veterans

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